Reply to my critics


  • Luigi Caranti



In this essay I reply to the very interesting comments about my book Kant’s Political Legacy. Human Rights, Peace, Progress (University of Wales Press 2017) offered by the following Kant scholars: Alessandro Pinzani, Cristina Foroni Consani, Milene Consenso Tonetto, Delamar José Vulpato Dutra, Robinson dos Santos, Andrea Faggion, Aylton Barbieri and Joel Thiago Klein. A theme on which my critics commonly insist is the compatibility between Kant’s theory of right (in particular some of the rights and duties spelt out in the Rechtslehre) and the values central in the culture human rights. Another one is whether it makes sense to use an essentially moral concept, such as that of dignity, for the foundation of human rights, given that they are usually conceived of as juridical or proto-juridical rights. In general all commentators raise informed and well documented points that deserve keen attention.

Biografia autore

  • Luigi Caranti

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