Revista do Centro de Pesquisas e ESTUDOSKANTIANOS - Valerio Rohden - v. 7 . n. 2 . 2019


As was the case in the last two issues of Estudos Kantianos, published in January and July p. p., the present issue contains articles of a future Electronic Kantian Lexicon in Portuguese Language, an enterprise which began in mid-2015 and congregates several Brazilian and Portuguese, but also German, Argentinian, Spanish, Italian and North-American collaborators. This time the four collaborations herein published were authored by Ana Falcato and Cláudia Fidalgo da Silva, whose contributions to the work at hand render it even more auspicious for those devoted to Kant’s thought. Completing the section “Articles” in the present issue are excellent studies by Jacinto de Rivera Rosales [member of the Editorial Board of Estudos Kantianos], Juan Felipe Gebara Aristizábal and Ingrid Basso.

In the “Reviews” section of this 2nd issue of volume VII of Estudos Kantianos, are to be found two relevant articles by Silvia di Sanza and Maria de Lourdes Borges, namely on the following works: Diccionario de la Filosofía crítica kantiana e Knowledge, Morals, and Practice in Kant´s Anthropology.