Guidelines and Peer Review

Every contribution submitted to the Journal first undergoes a preliminary assessment by the Editors, which analyzes the suitability of the work according to the  Journal's editorial line, its suitability for the scope, and aspects such as contribution and originality of the text. Submissions that have gone through the editorial verification process are forwarded to two/two ad hoc evaluators specialized in the subject, who will serve as a subsidy to the editors, and a third reviewer may be consulted in case of conflict in the assessments. The review system is double blind (Double Blind Review): the names of the reviewers will remain confidential, also omitting the names of the authors before the reviewers.

The criteria for the evaluation of articles take into account the relevance of the theme, originality of the contribution in the thematic areas of the Journal, clarity of the text, adequacy of the bibliography, structuring and theoretical development, methodology used, conclusions and contribution offered to the knowledge of the area.

The opinions may result in 4 types of evaluations: Accept; Accept with revisions; Submit again for review; Reject.

The publication of works is subject to compliance with the recommendations of the referees