Women and “Families” in the institucional dynamics: divorce in Brazil and the slave society of the south-mato-grossense bolsão of the XIX century.



  • Alexandre de CASTRO Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul




Woman, Family, Daily Patriarchal


This article was elaborated from a social and historical research of the city of Paranaíba, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, contained in the records and notes of the 1st Registry Office of this municipality. The elaboration of this formulation became possible due to the development of a research project carried out between the years of 2012 to 2014, during which fourteen records books were read and analyzed in the head office itself. Though the review of the regional history of the South-Mato Grosso pocket has a dual purpose: to recover the facts of a slave rule between the years 1838 to 1888 (a temporal delimitation from the notes found in the books), which remains silent in historiography, the data contained in the documents showed, among other historical aspects, the social role of women in the treatment of their dissonant patrimony and family of the formulation of the patriarchal family model described by Gilberto Freyre. Such a review will be allowed by access to the information through primary sources broken down and collected in records and notes, which composes documentary research results, combined with a specialized bibliographic research. From the analysis of the documentation made so far it is possible to understand part of the social dynamics established between owners and slaves / linings, as well as the daily social, family and gender relations lived by the subjects at the beginning of the occupation of the eastern region of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Recebido em: 08/04/2019.
Aprovado em: 13/06/2019

Author Biography

  • Alexandre de CASTRO, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul

    Professor do curso de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, unidade Universitária de Paranaíba, doutorando em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/câmpus de Marília SP. É bacharel em Ciências Sociais (UNESP/Marília, 1995) e Direito (UNIVEM/Marília, 2002); mestre em Teoria do Direito e do Estado (UNIVEM/Marília, 2005).


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How to Cite

Women and “Families” in the institucional dynamics: divorce in Brazil and the slave society of the south-mato-grossense bolsão of the XIX century.: DIVÓRCIO NO BRASIL E SOCIEDADE ESCRAVAGISTA DO BOLSÃO SUL-MATO-GROSSENSE DO SÉCULO XIX. (2019). Educação Em Revista, 20, 23-34. https://doi.org/10.36311/2236-5192.2019.v20esp.03.p23

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