About the Journal

Educação em Revista is a publication of the Department of School Administration and Supervision (DASE) of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences (FFC), at São Paulo State University - UNESP –– Marília Campus. It aims to disseminate the academic and scientific production in the field of its scope and to foster the debate on issues of the educational field. It publishes texts in the field of Education, specifically on Philosophy of Education, History of Education, Educational Management and Policy, Education and Work, Human Rights, Social Movements, and Inclusion. Its first issue came out in 2000, as an initiative of a group of DASE professors, composed of a Dossier on Public Policies with the participation of renowned authors in the field of Education. Since then it has served the academic community in the research themes of the Department. Keeping its periodicity constant, the journal publishes unpublished articles by national and foreign authors, individual or dossiers, reviews, and interviews. Its periodicity is biannual, and special issues may be published in due course.

Simultaneous submission to another journal is not allowed.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

As a reference publication, the journal requires that at least one of the authors has completed the Master's degree. The submitted texts must be unpublished and must respect, necessarily, the criterion of originality of content.