Han Fu culture: the emphasis on Chinese traditional cultural identity


Qianqian Yu[1]


Abstract: Traditional Chinese philosophical culture refers to ancient China’s philosophical thought and cultural traditions, including different philosophical schools and systems of thought, such as Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism and Legalism. As a unique system of thought in ancient China, the traditional Chinese philosophical culture is a heritage accumulated by the Chinese nation. Han Fu culture is an important component of traditional Chinese culture, covering historical origins, morphological characteristics, materials and techniques, customs, cultural connotations and spiritual values. It can be applied and inherited in contemporary society, as well as integrated and interacted with other traditional cultural elements. As an important carrier of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, Han Fu culture is also a concrete manifestation of Chinese national culture and modern humanistic spirit. As a form of inheriting and displaying traditional Chinese clothing culture, the performance of Han Fu culture has received increasing attention and affection. Han Fu has played an important role in the long history, and its evolution and development have also been influenced and shaped by traditional Chinese philosophical culture. Therefore, this paper used the hermeneutic approach, dialectical materialism and historical materialism, by exploring the manifestations of traditional Chinese philosophical culture on Han Fu culture, with a view to better understand and inherit Han Fu culture. The article first introduces traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, which mainly include Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhist thought; then, several important concepts in philosophical thoughts were elaborated. Afterwards, we will consider and analyze the philosophical ideas, contained in Han Fu culture, and point out the embodiment and application of the philosophical ideas of "unity of heaven and man" and "neutrality" in Han Fu culture. Finally, the performance value of Han Fu is elaborated from two aspects: its value expression, or form of expression, and content. Through the study, it was found that Han Fu culture can present and express its core ideas in a specific way to better demonstrate traditional Chinese philosophical thinking, which helps to better call on people to use Han Fu culture as a tool and use it to publicize their relevant ideas and concepts.


Keywords: Performance of Han Fu Culture. Traditional Chinese Philosophical Culture. The Confucian Way of Mediocrity. The Unity of Man and Nature.



Traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts need to undergo a certain degree of innovation in the process of development. Combining traditional philosophical thoughts with modern humanism can further improve traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts and effectively realize the integration and development between the two. The core and most important element of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts are people should coexist harmoniously with nature and other people. With the rapid social and economic development, people's living standards are also improving, and there are an increasing number of people who begin to pursue spiritual enjoyment. As a traditional Chinese dress, Han Fu has a certain historical and cultural heritage (Zhang, 2018, p. 54). Through in-depth study and analysis of Han Fu, people can further understand the historical underpinnings of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts (Hao, 2022). Under the influence of traditional philosophical thoughts, Han Fu culture itself has certain humanistic value and aesthetic value (Lu, 2020). Han Fu culture presents and expresses its core ideas in a specific way to better demonstrate traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts (Sang, 2020, p. 36). Through the in-depth study of Han Fu, people can further understand Chinese national culture and modern humanistic spirit, and provide certain reference significance for the development of Chinese national costumes. The purpose of this paper is to present Han Fu culture as an expression of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts and to call for its use as a tool to better publicize relevant ideas and concepts.

This article starts with traditional Chinese philosophical thought and first points out that it includes Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhist thought. Then, it elaborated on three important philosophical ideas: the unity of heaven and man, unity, and Confucian respect for life and the doctrine of the mean. Afterwards, it analyzed the presentation of traditional Chinese philosophical culture on the performance of Han Fu culture, explored the embodiment and application of philosophical ideas in Han Fu culture, and discussed the value, presentation form and content of Han Fu culture performance. By analyzing the cultural expression of Han Fu, we can better understand traditional Chinese philosophical ideas.

Ancient Han Chinese costumes are part of China's cultural heritage, with a history of more than 3,000 years. In the beginning of the 21st century, there is a growing social trend to revitalize traditional Chinese culture, and culture-related ancient costumes are an important part of this revitalization. The cheongsam evolved from the Manchu costume. However, because of the great differences in form and style between Manchu and Han Chinese dresses, Manchu dress cannot be considered a representation of Han Chinese identity. Han Fu, which literally means clothing for the Han people, is a term used by enthusiasts to refer to ancient Chinese clothing worn by the Han people (Wang; François; Renaud, 2020, p. 79). The Han Dynasty was a milestone in the development of Chinese clothing culture, with little change in its system, including the coronal clothing system, which basically inherited the Qin system and laid the foundation for the development of future clothing (Zhao, 2018, p. 74). Universities are facing difficulties in inheriting and promoting Han Fu culture. As researchers of Han Fu culture, it is necessary to seriously explore and study the development and inheritance laws of Han Fu culture, and propose more effective methods for the inheritance and promotion of it (Xia, 2020, p. 106). These scholars' research on Han Fu helps to promote the inheritance and development of Han Fu culture, but there are very few in-depth studies on the dialectical analysis of Han Fu and traditional Chinese philosophy.

In recent years, Han Fu has appeared more and more frequently in the public's view, and a new trend of Han Fu culture has emerged (Tang; Huang; Weng, 2019, p. 128). By utilizing digital media and interactive methods, as well as personalized design, users can experience the charm of Han Fu culture in the process of designing Han Fu. This is a new approach to using digital media to spread Han Fu culture (Wang; Zhang, 2018, p. 258). Han Fu fully embodies the national spirit, philosophical thinking, ethics and morality, "etiquette" and legal system, and cosmology contained in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, the cultural research, behind Han Fu, helps to sort out all the ideological orientations of artistic philosophy, providing more spiritual sublimation for future generations and generating more inspirational collisions in the design behind it (Li; Li, 2017, p. 86). Although scholars have proposed new ideas to promote the cultural impact of Han Fu, the traditional Chinese philosophical ideas, embedded in Han Fu culture, have not been much explored.


1 Traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts

As an important component of traditional Chinese culture, traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts mainly includes philosophy of nature, moral philosophy and other aspects (Xu; Fang, 2007, p. 30). Traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts were formed more than 2,000 years ago, and their core ideas are respect for life and the Confucian Way of Mediocrity (Zhang, 2001, p. 31). Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism occupy an important position in traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts. Confucianism takes "benevolence" as its core idea, emphasizing "people-oriented" and the human beings’ responsibilities and obligations in social life (Li; Li, 2017, p. 96). The core of Taoist thought is "Tao": it is a basic viewpoint for ancient people to understand and transform the world, and everything, from the universe to human society, follows this viewpoint (Li; Li, 2017, p. 88).

Buddhism focuses on the "heart" as the core of its view of things and, through the cultivation of the individual's heart, it seeks to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature. However, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism have different perspectives on ethics, metaphysics and the essence of existence, so there is complementarity among them. Confucianism emphasizes moral ethics and behavioral norms, emphasizing social order and etiquette norms. Taoism emphasizes personal cultivation and inner spiritual world, emphasizing the tranquility and transcendence of one's inner self. Buddhism emphasizes self-cultivation and inner wisdom, emphasizing liberation and nirvana. The complementarity of these viewpoints enables them to complement each other and jointly explore the essence and significance of human existence. Confucianism emphasizes the humanity’s responsibilities and obligations in society, while Taoism provides attention and exploration of the humanity’s inner spiritual world, and while Buddhism provides the pursuit of human liberation and nirvana. As a cultural heritage, accumulated over thousands of years in China, traditional Chinese philosophical culture can not only provide important reference value for the modern Chinese society’s development, but also provide new ideas for it.

Traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts are an important component of Chinese culture, which has profound ideological connotations and extensive influence. This article will introduce the three basic components of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, including Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhist thought. Confucianism is the mainstream ideology of traditional Chinese culture, emphasizing the human society’s moral, ethical and political concepts. The core of Confucianism is "benevolence", which refers to the love and respect among people, as well as the norms of human relations among monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons, and spouses. Confucianism believes that humans should follow the Heavenly Way, prioritize benevolence, and focus on self-cultivation, family harmony, governance and world peace, in order to achieve harmony between individuals and society. Taoism is one of the important schools of traditional Chinese philosophy, emphasizing the nature’s essence and laws, the universe and humanity. The core of Taoist thought is "Dao", which refers to the origin and laws of all things in the universe, as well as the human society’s naturalness and freedom. Taoism believes that humans should follow the nature’s path, pursue inner peace and freedom, and achieve a state of harmonious coexistence with nature through cultivation. Buddhist thought is an important component of traditional Chinese philosophy, emphasizing the development of human spirit and culture. The core of Buddhist thought is “Buddha”, which refers to Buddha’s teachings and wisdom, as well as the purification and liberation of the human soul. Buddhist thought believes that humans should follow Buddha’s teachings, pursue inner peace and wisdom, and achieve liberation and nirvana through practice. In short, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the three basic components of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts. Each of them has unique ideological connotations and characteristics, and has intertwined and influenced each other, forming the unique style and characteristics of traditional Chinese culture. These ideas are of great significance for us to understand traditional Chinese culture, improving our own cultivation and spiritual realm.

The modern humanistic spirit, on the other hand, is a universal form of human self-care that emphasizes the maintenance, pursuit, concern for human dignity, value and destiny, as well as the high value of various spiritual and cultural phenomena left over by humanity, and the affirmation and shaping of an ideal personality with comprehensive development. In modern society, the modern humanistic spirit places greater emphasis on values, such as respect, freedom, equality and justice for individuals, as well as the human society and nature’s sustainable development and protection. Compared with traditional Chinese philosophical thought, modern humanistic spirit places more emphasis on thinking and analyzing the modern society’s development and of technology. They emphasize a holistic and systematic understanding of human society and nature, paying attention to and solving common problems and challenges in human society. At the same time, modern humanistic spirit places greater emphasis on the combination of human experience and rationality, emphasizing consideration of the rationality and feasibility of human behavior and decision-making, as well as respect and appreciation for the diversity and inclusiveness of human culture and values. Traditional Chinese philosophical thinking emphasizes a holistic and systematic understanding of nature and society, as well as respect and inheritance of human experience and traditions. At the same time, traditional Chinese philosophical thinking places greater emphasis on the cultivation and practice of human inner selves, emphasizing the importance and application of morality and ethics, as well as the emphasis and maintenance of the uniqueness and superiority of human culture and values.

In short, there are similarities between modern humanistic spirit and traditional Chinese philosophical thought in certain aspects. They have significant differences in their understanding and reflection on modern society and technological development, the combination of human experience and rationality, the respect and appreciation for the diversity, and on the inclusiveness of human culture and values.


1.1 Harmony between nature and man

The idea of the unity of heaven and man can be traced back to the pre-Qin period, and philosophers, such as Mencius and Laozi, have elaborated on it. In Mencius' thought, the unity of heaven and man refers to human nature, and the human heart is based on heaven, that is, human moral behavior should be consistent with the Heavenly Way. He believes that human nature is kind and, only through continuous cultivation and improvement of one's moral level, one can reach the state of unity with the Heavenly Way (Poland, 2017, p. 53). However, Laozi's ideology emphasizes the importance of the nature’s way even more. He believes that humans should follow the nature’s path, follow the nature’s laws, and pursue inner peace and freedom. In Laozi's thought, "Dao" is the origin and law of all things in the universe, and humans should achieve a state of harmonious coexistence with nature through cultivation. Overall, the idea of the unity of heaven and man emphasizes the harmonious relationship between humans and nature, as well as between humans and the universe. It believes that humans should follow the nature’s path, pursue inner peace and wisdom, and achieve liberation and nirvana through practice. This idea is of great significance for us to understand traditional Chinese culture, improving our own cultivation and spiritual realm.

Harmony between nature and man is an important content in traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, which mainly refers to a harmonious state between man and nature. This idea originated in ancient Chinese philosophy, where "heaven" refers to nature and "man" refers to human society, and there is an inseparable relationship between the two. In their contact with nature, humans change the natural environment through their own practical activities. At the same time, they can also use the natural environment to facilitate their own development, forming a circular and interactive relationship between the two. This is in line with the idea of "harmony between nature and man" in ancient Chinese traditional philosophy. This ideology occupies an important position in ancient Chinese philosophy, especially Confucian thought. Confucian thought believes that people should maintain a harmonious state of coexistence, which not only enables people to form a good social relationship, but also enables people to obtain greater development space in social life.

Overall, the focus of traditional Chinese philosophy on harmony, between humans and nature, has had a profound impact on urban planning, agricultural practices and China's medical model. In terms of urban planning, traditional Chinese philosophy emphasizes the harmony between humans and nature, which gives Chinese urban planning a unique style. Ancient urban planners designed cities based on natural environment and feng shui concepts, such as determining the location, shape and layout of the city, integrating natural elements, such as mountains, water, plants, etc., as much as possible, to coordinate the city with the natural environment. In terms of agricultural practice, traditional Chinese philosophy emphasizes the unity of heaven and man, believing that humans and nature are closely related as a whole. This makes China's agricultural practices focus on ecological balance and sustainability.

Ancient farmers chose to plant crops based on factors, such as seasonal changes and climate change, using tillage methods, such as rotation and intercropping, as well as applying organic fertilizers to maintain soil fertility and achieve sustainable agricultural development. In terms of China's medical model, the influence of traditional Chinese philosophy is also profound. Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that the internal environment of the human body is interrelated with the natural environment, and the movement of qi and blood, and the functions of organs, in the human body, correspond to the changes in natural seasons. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine treatment focuses on adapting to the times and individuals, and developing treatment plans, based on the patient's physique and condition, combined with natural environment and seasonal changes. In summary, the focus of traditional Chinese philosophy on harmony between humans and nature has had a significant impact on urban planning, agricultural practices and on China's medical model, making urban construction, agricultural production and healthcare, in China, more focused on harmony and unity with the natural environment.


1.2 Unity

"Unity" means that, in nature, people are interconnected and interact with each other, and that no individual can exist independently in the world (Xia, 2000, p. 44). The idea of the unity of all things mainly refers to the fact that no single thing can be isolated in the whole world, and that the whole is interconnected and interacts with each other (Liu, 2015, p. 11). In addition, the idea of the unity of all things also includes the pursuit and emphasis on equality and harmony. With the continuous development of traditional Chinese culture, more and more people begin to realize the importance of equality and harmony, which is not only advocated by traditional Chinese philosophical thought, but also by modern society. In the performance of Han Fu culture, unity mainly refers to "everything is one with me". Performers show various details of the costume through their own display and expression. For example, performers demonstrate the idea of "unity" in Han Fu culture by displaying details, such as the color, pattern and style of clothing (Liu, 2022, p. 1). In addition, this system of thought also emphasizes the need for people to cultivate themselves, in social life, so as to achieve harmony between humans and nature.

The unified ideological viewpoint, in traditional Chinese philosophy, emphasizes collectivism and common interests. In terms of social responsibility, this ideology encourages individuals and groups to pursue common goals and interests, promoting social unity and stability. In the field of morality, a unified ideological perspective emphasizes the universality of moral norms and values. It encourages people to respect others, be honest and trustworthy, and care for others, laying the foundation for social harmony and stability. Secondly, the concept of equality emphasizes equality for all, respect for human rights and fairness. In terms of social responsibility, this ideology encourages people to pay attention to vulnerable groups and social injustice, actively participate in social welfare undertakings, and promote social justice and equality. In the field of morality, the concept of equality emphasizes respect for the dignity and equal rights of everyone, encourages people to abandon discrimination and prejudice, and treats everyone with an equal and just attitude, providing guarantees for social justice and harmony. In short, a unified and equal perspective has a positive impact on social responsibility and morality, encouraging people to pay attention to collective interests, respect others, actively participate in social welfare undertakings, and promote social justice, harmony and stability. At the same time, these ideas also provide basic moral norms and behavioral ones for individuals and society, providing important support for building a harmonious society.

Han Fu, as an important component of traditional Chinese culture, not only reflects the ancient Chinese society’s unified ideology, but also reflects various political, cultural, economic and other factors in Chinese history. In Han Fu, the idea of unity is mainly reflected in four aspects: unity of form, color, pattern and etiquette. Han Fu has its own unique form, including clothing, crowns, shoes, etc. This form has changed in different historical periods, but overall, it maintains a unified style. This unity of form not only reflects the ancient Chinese society’s unified ideology, but also reflects the cultural inheritance and artistic aesthetics in Chinese history. Han Fu also embodies a unified ideology in terms of color.

In ancient Chinese society, people of different social classes and identities wore different colors of Han Fu, reflecting the social hierarchy and etiquette norms. At the same time, the colors of Han Fu also have symbolic significance, such as red symbolizing joy and white symbolizing mourning. This unity of colors not only reflects the ancient Chinese society’s unified ideology, but also reflects the cultural inheritance and artistic aesthetics in Chinese history. Han Fu also embodies a unified idea in its design. Different historical periods have their own unique pattern styles, but overall, they follow a unified traditional style. These patterns, symbolizing auspiciousness, authority, or expressing beliefs, all reflect the ancient Chinese society’s unified thinking. Han Fu also embodies a unified ideology in etiquette. When wearing Han Fu, it is necessary to follow certain etiquette norms, such as bowing, and paying attention to sitting and standing postures. These etiquette norms not only reflect the ancient Chinese society’s ideology, but also reflect the cultural inheritance and artistic aesthetics in Chinese history.

Overall, as an important component of traditional Chinese culture, Han Fu embodies the ancient Chinese society’s unified thinking. Whether in terms of form, color, pattern, or etiquette, Han Fu follows a unified traditional style. It not only reflects the ancient Chinese society’s cultural inheritance and artistic aesthetics, but also reflects various factors, such as politics, culture and economy in Chinese history.


1.3 Respecting life and the golden mean of the Confucian school

"Respecting life" is a major idea in traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, which mainly refers to people cherishing life, not killing it at will, and ensuring people's right to life (Xie, 2015, p. 5). In addition, it also emphasizes the equality and freedom of life (Jiang, 2012, p. 98). The idea of respecting life is also reflected in the performance of Han Fu culture. Taking the performance of Han Fu culture as an example, when performing the performance of Han Fu culture, it is necessary to make people aware of their responsibilities and obligations, so that they can better regulate their words and behaviors, and better enjoy the happiness brought by Han Fu culture. At the same time, by presenting and expressing thoughts, it can also enable people to recognize their shortcomings, so that they can continuously improve and enhance themselves. In addition, when performing the performance of Han Fu culture, it is also necessary to make people realize the importance of the gold mean, that is, to achieve "moderation" and "harmony" when dealing with others. The so-called "moderation" refers to "avoid leaning to either side". “Harmony” refers to harmonious coexistence and mutual tolerance with others.

When performing the performance of Han Fu culture, it is necessary to make people realize a harmonious development concept, reflected by the idea of moderation, as well as the virtues of pardon, harmony and courtliness (Zhang, 2011, p. 218). These are the core contents of traditional Chinese philosophical culture. As an important component of traditional Chinese culture, traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts can provide important reference value for the modern Chinese society’s development to a certain extent. In the performance of Han Fu culture, by presenting and expressing traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts in specific forms, people can better understand their shortcomings, as well as their responsibilities and obligations.

Confucianism is an important component of traditional Chinese culture, and its influence on Han Fu is also very significant. Among them, Confucianism's respect for life and the doctrine of the mean are also reflected in Han Fu. Firstly, the Confucian concept of respecting life is reflected in Han Fu. Confucianism emphasizes "people-oriented" and respects human life and dignity. In Han Fu, this idea of respecting life is also reflected. For example, the deep clothing system, in Han Fu, embodies the idea of "unity of heaven and earth", connecting the upper and lower parts, reflecting the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. In addition, the wide circular sleeves and square, intersecting necklines in Han Fu, also reflect the Confucian "golden mean", which emphasizes comfort and practicality rather than excessive pursuit of luxury. Secondly, the Confucian doctrine of the mean is also reflected in Han Fu. Confucianism emphasizes the "golden mean", which seeks balance and moderation in doing things. In Han Fu, this idea is also reflected. For example, the clothing system in Han Fu follows the ancient system of Huangdi's coronal clothing and "hanging clothes to govern the world", which, to some extent, reflects the Confucian idea of "following the rule of the king". In addition, the colors, patterns and etiquette in Han Fu also reflect the Confucian doctrine of the mean. For example, the colors of Han Fu are mainly elegant and do not excessively pursue luxury; the pattern is mainly auspicious and does not excessively pursue singularity; etiquette emphasizes solemnity and does not excessively pursue complexity.

In summary, the respect of Confucianism for life and the doctrine of the mean are reflected in Han Fu. This influence not only reflects the ancient Chinese society’s cultural inheritance and artistic aesthetics, but also reflects various political, cultural, economic and other factors in Chinese history.


2 Han Fu culture

2.1 Overview of the performance of Han Fu culture

The performance of Han Fu culture has a long history in China. By organically integrating Han Fu culture with modern society, innovation in Han Fu culture can be achieved (Zhou, 2021, p. 65). In the process of innovation of Han Fu culture, it is necessary to redesign traditional clothing and organically combine modern elements related to it. Therefore, in order to better achieve innovation in the performance of Han Fu culture, it is necessary to combine it with traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts. Through in-depth analysis of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, the organic integration and development, between the two, can be effectively achieved (Chen; Suh, 2021, p. 108). The cultural performance of Han Fu culture also has certain unique features. Through in-depth research on the performance of Han Fu culture, it can effectively achieve innovation in traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts (Pan, p. 2019). In this process, it is not only necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the Han Fu culture itself, but also to fully attach importance to the role and value of traditional clothing. By organically integrating this kind of clothing with modern society, it can better meet people's daily needs. At the same time, by organically integrating the performance of Han Fu culture with traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, it can make them more responsive to people's aesthetic and spiritual needs in the process of innovation (Qiu, 2022, p. 233). Thus, people can enjoy the performance and obtain spiritual comfort.


2.2 Philosophical thoughts possessed by the Han Fu culture

As for traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, they are based on traditional Chinese culture, and Han Fu culture itself has such a basic characteristic, namely, the philosophy of harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature, as well as among human beings. This feature is also formed under the influence of traditional Chinese culture. By integrating traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts with Han Fu culture, it can provide more possibilities for the development of Chinese national costumes. The traditional Chinese etiquette can be seen from the characters’ gestures, who are dressed in Han Fu. Therefore, in the process of in-depth analysis of Han Fu culture, it is necessary to focus on the analysis and research of the philosophical thoughts contained therein (Zhang, 2008, p. 228).

On the whole, traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts have certain characteristics of inclusiveness and openness, which are also one of the basic characteristics of Han Fu culture. From this perspective, it is possible to further improve and supplement traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts.

From the perspective of the formation of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, it can be found that there are certain limitations in them. The Han Fu culture, produced under the influence of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, also has such limitations.

On the one hand, traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts themselves have certain limitations and cannot produce a completely correct and comprehensive understanding of the Han Fu culture. On the other hand, an in-depth analysis of the relationship, between traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts and the Han Fu culture, can also reveal the impact of such limitations (Wang; Chukiat; Kanchana, 2022, p. 801). By integrating and developing them, people can achieve mutual promotion and common progress between Chinese national costumes and philosophical thoughts.


2.3 Identification of Han Fu culture with traditional Chinese culture

Cultural identity refers to a person's sense of belonging and identification with their own culture. It includes identification with values, history, language, customs, art, beliefs, traditions and identity. Values are the core of cultural identity. It is the standard for people to judge good and evil, right and wrong, and it is also the internal basis for determining people's behavior and attitude. Different cultures have different values that reflect different ethnic, social and religious beliefs. History is an important source of cultural identity. People have a strong sense of identification with their own nation or country’s history, which not only stems from their memory and understanding of history, but also from their experience and participation in history. Language is an important component of cultural identity. It is the main tool for people to exchange and express ideas, and also an important means of inheriting and disseminating culture. Different languages represent different cultures and ways of thinking, and people's sense of identification with their mother tongue is often closely linked to their sense of cultural identity.

Customs are another form of cultural identity. It includes people's traditional behaviors, habits and etiquette, reflecting the characteristics and values of different cultures. People have a strong sense of identification with their own ethnic or national customs, which is particularly evident in daily life. Art is an important carrier of cultural identity. It is a way for people to express emotions, showcase cultural individuality and beauty, and is also an important way to inherit and spread culture. Different art forms and styles represent different cultures, and people have a special sense of identification with their own nation or country’s art.

Belief is an important component of cultural identity. It is people's belief and worship of gods, religions and mysterious forces, as well as their exploration of the life’s meaning and value o. Different beliefs represent different cultural and philosophical systems, and people often have a strong sense of identification with their beliefs. Tradition is the cornerstone of cultural identity. It is a tradition, etiquette, story and belief passed down from generation to generation, representing different cultural and historical backgrounds. People have a special sense of identity with their own ethnic or national traditions, which is constantly deepened and strengthened through inheritance and development. Identity is one of the core elements of cultural identity. It is people's understanding and identification with their social status, identity characteristics and personal values, often closely linked to a sense of cultural identity. People's identity is often influenced by factors, such as family, community, religious beliefs, ethnicity, or country, and this sense of identity plays an important role in personal growth and development.

Han Fu culture is an important component of traditional Chinese culture, showcasing the Chinese nation’s cultural heritage and historical inheritance through clothing. Han Fu culture plays an important role in the recognition of traditional Chinese culture. Firstly, Han Fu culture reflects respect and inheritance of traditional Chinese culture. Han Fu, as an important component of traditional Chinese culture, carries the Chinese nation’s long history and traditional culture. By inheriting and promoting Han Fu culture, we can not only understand and inherit the Chinese nation’s history and culture, but also enhance our sense of identification and pride in traditional Chinese culture. Secondly, Han Fu culture emphasizes the uniqueness and diversity of traditional Chinese culture. Han Fu culture is a unique branch of traditional Chinese culture, and its unique form, color, pattern and etiquette all reflect the uniqueness and diversity of traditional Chinese culture. By inheriting and promoting Han Fu culture, we can showcase the unique charm and value of Chinese culture to the world, and enhance China's cultural soft power. Finally, Han Fu culture has promoted the development and innovation of traditional Chinese culture. Han Fu culture is an important component of traditional Chinese culture. It not only carries the Chinese nation’s long history and culture, but also continuously develops and innovates.

In modern society, Han Fu culture has revitalized through its integration and development with modern society, providing new ideas and methods for the development and innovation of traditional culture. In summary, Han Fu culture plays an important role in the recognition of traditional Chinese culture. By inheriting and promoting Han Fu culture, we can enhance our sense of identification and pride in traditional Chinese culture, showcase the unique charm and value of Chinese culture to the world, and promote the development and innovation of Chinese traditional culture.


2.4 Embodiment and application of philosophical thoughts in Han Fu culture

The performance of Han Fu culture is more a concrete display of the idea of "harmony between nature and man". The idea of "harmony of heaven and man" is to view human life from the nature’s perspective, requiring that humans should treat themselves and nature as an organic whole, and by dealing with the relationship between them, they can achieve harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. When dealing with the relationship between man and nature, Han Fu culture is mainly achieved through a "neutral" approach, emphasizing the need to maintain a dynamic balance between man and nature. Under the influence of such a harmonious coexistence ideology, people have also put forward corresponding requirements for their own behavior. For example, when performing Han Fu, it is necessary to embody the idea of "neutralization", so as to be able to present the harmonious concept contained in Han Fu culture (Zhou, 2023, p. 27).

In addition, traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts also require people to be able to correctly view the development laws of things. For traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, it mainly emphasizes that people should have the ability to correctly understand the development laws of things. By utilizing the development laws of things, people can effectively handle the relationship between human and nature. Therefore, traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts require that people should combine any activity with objective laws.


3 The value of the performance of Han Fu and its presentation form and content

3.1 The value of the performance of Han Fu

Han Fu itself is a kind of clothing with a long history, which reflects China’s long and rich history and culture. With the times’ development, Han Fu gradually evolved into a form of artistic performance. The performance of Han Fu can be seen in many cities in China, but most of them are held during holidays. However, it is rare to see Han Fu as a form of performance (Lu; Shen; Gu, 2019, p. 127). The performance of Han Fu has unique aesthetic and humanistic values, which can help people better understand China's long history and culture.

First of all, the performance of Han Fu can give people a beautiful enjoyment. As an important component of traditional culture, Han Fu culture is also a concrete embodiment of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts. The Han Fu culture embodies the pursuit of beauty by the Chinese people. Especially in terms of clothing, different ethnic groups and regions have different aesthetic characteristics and clothing modeling styles. However, no matter which ethnic group, when designing clothing, it is necessary to take into account the differences, in ethnic characteristics and customs, in each region and express them. For example, in Inner Mongolia, people use white as their clothing color standard, while in southern areas, red is often used as the standard. These all reflect the Chinese working people’s different lifestyles and aesthetic characteristics.

Secondly, the performance of Han Fu also has certain educational value. By presenting and expressing traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, people can understand the Chinese nation’s long standing, profound and brilliant cultural history, and civilization achievements, and they can more deeply recognize the characteristics of long history, numerous nationalities and splendid culture, thereby enhancing national pride and cultural identity, and stimulating people's love for traditional culture. Through the presentation and expression of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, the performance of Han Fu can enable more people to recognize the Chinese nation’s long and splendid historical, and cultural achievements.

Finally, the performance of Han Fu is still an artistic form of expression. Han Fu itself is the ancient Chinese working people’s crystallization of the wisdom and art, with a certain degree of artistry. With the rapid development and progress of modern social economy and technology, the traditional performance of Han Fu has been unable to meet people's growing spiritual and cultural needs, and aesthetic needs. There is a need to better promote the inheritance and development of Chinese national culture and art by presenting and expressing traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts in specific forms of performance. In modern society, when the economic level is high and the spiritual needs are also high, attention and appreciation would be paid to the performance of Han Fu. In today's social conditions, the ability to present and express traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, in specific forms of performance, can not only achieve the development and utilization of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts resources, but also enable people to recognize the great value of excellent traditional Chinese cultural resources. Therefore, presenting traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, in specific forms, is necessary for the times, society and country’s development.


3.2 Presentation form and content of the performance of Han Fu

The performance of Han Fu mainly consists of two parts: "clothing" and "movement". The "clothing" section mainly refers to the clothing worn by the Han people in daily life, specifically including upper and lower clothing, robes, skirts, jackets, etc. These are all the clothes worn in the daily life of the Han nationality, among which the more important ones are "Bai Jia Yi", "Twelve Chapters", and "Nine Classics and Eight Laws". The "movement" section mainly refers to some ritual activities, carried out by the Han people in daily life, such as worshipping the heavens and praying for blessings, worshipping the sun and offering sacrifices to ancestors, etc. In addition, in daily life, people would also carry out some necessary modifications to clothing according to their own characteristics, such as the commonly referred to as “seven inch golden lilies”, which mainly involves modifying Han Fu through some simple actions. In addition, the performance of Han Fu also includes two basic types, namely, the performance of Han Fu and the performance of Han Fu etiquette.

Among them, clothing is the main part of the performance of Han Fu, which artistically processes and modifies the artifacts worn and used, in the daily life of the Han nationality, through different types of clothing, like the design of clothing styles, such as "Wavy Ju Dress" and "Served Ru" for the Han costume jacket. According to traditional festivals of the Han nationality, like the Spring Festival, certain formal and content modifications and designs would be carried out on Han Fu, such as the "Wavy Ju Dress made Ming" costume, which would be worn on various festival occasions after being modified. In addition, etiquette performance is another important component of the performance of Han Fu, which embodies its etiquette through innovation and design of the traditional etiquette of the Han nationality. Therefore, etiquette performances can be divided into four categories: general ceremonies, honor guard ceremonies, entertainment ceremonies and other ceremonies.

Chinese traditional philosophical culture also has a profound impact on the aesthetic concepts and values in the performance of Han Fu culture. In traditional Chinese philosophical culture, emphasis is placed on noble values, such as "harmony between nature and man", "the law of nature", and "benevolence, love, and peace", which are also reflected in the performance of Han Fu culture. For example, the performance of Han Fu culture emphasizes cultural inheritance and respect, reflecting the importance and respect for traditional culture. At the same time, the performance of Han Fu culture also emphasizes the beauty of clothing and the elegance of dance, reflecting the pursuit of aesthetic value. In short, traditional Chinese philosophical culture has had a broad and profound impact on the presentation of the performance of Han Fu culture, not only in terms of specific elements and styles in the performance of it, but also in terms of the values and aesthetic concepts conveyed by the performance of it. This influence has continued to this day and continues to inspire people's love and pursuit of traditional culture.


3.3 Philosophical expression in Han Fu performance

Han Fu, as an important component of traditional Chinese culture, not only has profound historical heritage, but also contains rich philosophical ideas. In Han Fu performances, various philosophical concepts are presented and conveyed, enabling the audience to have a deeper understanding and experience of the cultural connotations represented by Han Fu.

The Han Fu performance combines traditional clothing culture with modern aesthetic concepts, showcasing the integration of traditional culture and modern society. Through modern stage performances, the cultural connotations of traditional Han Fu have been reinterpreted, and modern aesthetic concepts have also endowed Han Fu performances with new forms of expression. This integration provides new ideas and approaches for the inheritance and development of traditional culture.

The Han Fu performance emphasizes the unity of form and spirit, that is, the harmonious unity of the form and connotation of clothing. In the performance, the actors not only displayed the appearance of Han Fu, but also conveyed the cultural connotation and spiritual temperament, contained in Han Fu, through their demeanor. This unity not only demonstrates the unique charm of Han Fu, but also enables the audience to have a deeper understanding of its cultural value.

The Han Fu performance embodies the harmony between nature and humanity. Traditional Han Fu often adopts natural elements, such as mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, reflecting the ancient people's reverence and respect for nature (Fielitz, 2013, p. 72). At the same time, Han Fu performances also convey humanistic spirit, such as Confucianism and Taoism, showcasing the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. This harmony reflects the idea of the unity of heaven and man in traditional Chinese culture.

Han Fu performances emphasize the relationship between clothing and people. Traditional Han Fu has distinct personality characteristics and hierarchical concepts, and people of different identities and positions wear different forms of Han Fu. In the performance, actors convey the close connection between clothing and people by wearing Han Fu that suits their identity and status. This relationship reflects the ancient people's emphasis on clothing, and their recognition of identity and status.

The Han Fu performance demonstrates the importance of etiquette and upbringing. Traditional Han Fu has strict wearing rules and etiquette standards, and the shape and etiquette requirements of Han Fu, worn by people of different occasions and identities, vary. In the performance, actors convey respect and inheritance for traditional etiquette and upbringing through rigorous dress code and etiquette display. This respect and inheritance have established good etiquette and moral standards for modern people.



In a sense, Han Fu culture, as a kind of national costume, also has certain aesthetic and cultural values. Through the analysis of the performance of Han Fu culture, people can better understand traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts. Traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts occupied a dominant position in ancient society, but, with the society’s development and the progress of human civilization, the inheritance and development of Han Fu culture have become an indispensable and important content in the cultural construction of the new era. In the 21st century, traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts have gradually attracted various countries’ attention around the world.

As a national costume, Han Fu can better integrate traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts and modern humanistic spirit. Through an analysis of the form and content of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts in Han Fu culture, this article explored how to better integrate traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts with modern humanistic spirit in the contemporary society’s development. Chinese traditional philosophical culture has a profound influence on the presentation of Han Fu cultural performance. In Han Fu cultural performance, traditional etiquette, dance, music and other elements are presented, which are all closely related to traditional Chinese philosophical culture. In Han Fu cultural performance, traditional etiquette, dance, music and other elements reflect the ideas of solemnity and elegance, harmony and coordination in traditional Chinese philosophical culture. The presentation of these elements not only shows the charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also inherits the spiritual connotation of traditional Chinese philosophical culture. Through the analysis of the form and content of the performance of Han Fu culture, it can be found that, by reinterpreting and expressing traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, they can be better presented. In the process of reinterpreting and expressing traditional philosophical thoughts, it is possible to highlight the development of Chinese history and the Chinese nation’s cultural connotation. When reinterpreting and expressing the form and content of the performance of Han Fu culture, it is also a manifestation of the innovative development of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts, and also a manifestation of the important role of traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts in the contemporary society’s development.

In addition, Han Fu culture plays a positive role in enhancing China's soft power and promoting international understanding. By promoting Han Fu, it can promote the inheritance and promotion of culture, increase employment opportunities, promote the development of tourism and increase cultural soft power. It has a positive role and practical significance in promoting sustainable social and economic development. However, there are still some shortcomings, in current research, in this field. Current research is mostly limited to a single disciplinary field, lacking interdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies. This limits the depth and breadth of research and cannot fully explore the deep connection between traditional Chinese philosophical culture and the expression of Han Fu culture. Future research should further deepen theoretical exploration and explore the impact of traditional Chinese philosophical culture on the performance of Han Fu culture and the underlying ideological roots from a philosophical perspective. At the same time, we should actively promote interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange, break down disciplinary boundaries, and the research and protection of Han Fu culture can benefit from interdisciplinary methods. Areas, like textile engineering, sustainable development, computer science (such as digital exhibitions), history and philosophy can collaborate to enrich discussions and practices around Han Fu.

This article explores the relationship between traditional Chinese philosophical culture and the expression of Han Fu culture from multiple perspectives and levels, which can provide a richer and more comprehensive perspective for in-depth research. In short, Han Fu performance is not only a nostalgic effort, but also a dynamic and relevant field that can make significant contributions to modern society in China and the world. It brings hope for cultural dialogue, artistic innovation and philosophical exploration, making it a valuable topic for continuous attention and research.


Cultura Han Fu: el énfasis en la identidad cultural tradicional china


Resumen: La cultura filosófica tradicional china se refiere al pensamiento filosófico y las tradiciones culturales de la antigua China que incluye diferentes escuelas filosóficas y sistemas de pensamiento como el confucianismo, el taoísmo, el mohismo y el legalismo. Como sistema de pensamiento único en la antigua China, la cultura filosófica tradicional china es una herencia acumulada por la nación china. La cultura Han Fu es un componente importante de la cultura tradicional china, que abarca orígenes históricos, características morfológicas, materiales y técnicas, costumbres, connotaciones culturales y valores espirituales. Puede aplicarse y heredarse en la sociedad contemporánea, así como integrarse e interactuar con otros elementos culturales tradicionales. Como importante portadora del pensamiento filosófico tradicional chino, la cultura Han Fu es también una manifestación concreta de la cultura nacional china y del espíritu humanista moderno. Como forma de heredar y exhibir la cultura de la vestimenta tradicional china, la representación de la cultura Han Fu ha recibido cada vez más atención y afecto y ha desempeñado un papel importante en la larga historia, y su evolución y desarrollo también han sido influenciados y moldeados por la cultura filosófica tradicional china. Por tal motivo, este artículo utilizó el enfoque hermenéutico, el materialismo dialéctico y el materialismo histórico, explorando las manifestaciones de la cultura filosófica tradicional china en la cultura Han Fu, con el fin de comprender y heredar mejor la cultura Han Fu. El artículo presenta primero los pensamientos filosóficos tradicionales chinos, que incluyen principalmente el confucianismo, el taoísmo y el pensamiento budista; luego se elaboraron varios conceptos importantes en el pensamiento filosófico; luego, consideraremos y analizaremos las ideas filosóficas contenidas en la cultura Han Fu, y señalaremos la encarnación y aplicación de las ideas filosóficas de "unidad del cielo y el hombre" y "neutralidad" en la cultura Han Fu; Finalmente, el valor del desempeño de Han Fu se elabora a partir de dos aspectos: su expresión de valor, forma de expresión y contenido. Mediante el estudio, se descubrió que la cultura Han Fu puede presentar y expresar sus ideas centrales de una manera específica para demostrar mejor el pensamiento filosófico tradicional chino, lo que ayuda a instar mejor a las personas a utilizar la cultura Han Fu como herramienta y utilizarla para publicitar. sus ideas y conceptos relevantes.

Palabras clave: Interpretación de la cultura Han Fu. Cultura filosófica tradicional china. El camino confuciano de la mediocridad. La unidad del hombre y la naturaleza.



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Received: 07/09/2023 – Approved: 14/11/2023 – Published: 18/04/2024

[1] Ph. D. School of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510090 – China. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7855-2049. E-mail: yuqianqian@gdut.edu.cn.