Teologia moral.


  • Claudia Fidalgo da Silva University of Porto




Teleology, final end, God, kingdom of ends, highest good


Kant’s doctrine of moral theology is mainly explored, though not exclusively, in the “Doctrine of the method” in the Critique of Judgment, concerning the faculty of teleological judgment. This doctrine is closely related to his concept of final end <Endweck>. According to Kant, only the human being is considered final end, an “end that requires no other end as a condition of its possibility” (KU, §84, AA 05: 396). In order to things can exist in conformity with this end, Kant introduces in this context the admission, not only of an intelligent being as the author of the world, but also a moral being who is both regent and moral legislator. Many questions have arisen in the contemporary debate on these topics, such as the parallelism between Kant’s approach of the final end in the second part of the Critique of Judgment and Religion, the collective character of the concepts of God and highest good, the relationship between the concept of final end - related to the concepts of moral world, kingdom of ends, ethical community – and political community, or the questions that arise from the cosmopolitan conception of the human nature.

Recebido / Received: 17.11.2019.
Aprovado / Approved: 2.12.2019.

Biografia do Autor

  • Claudia Fidalgo da Silva, University of Porto

    PhD Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto, Portugal. Doctoral Dissertation: “From individual agent to human race. Analysis of a Kantian problematic” (2017).Scholarship granted by Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – FCT, Portugal).

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