MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System
Linguagens documentárias aplicadas à recuperação de informação em bibliotecas: uma revisão do
EBSCO Discovery Service
Giovana Deliberali Maimone (1), Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques Viana (2)
(1) University of São Paulo, Brazil, gdmaimone@usp.br
(2) m.viana@usp.br
This paper provides an overview of documentary languages applied to the information discovery service
called EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), created and maintained by EBSCO (United States of America).
The focus of the present paper is exclusively to evaluate EDS discovery system and how it adopts
documentary languages. The goal of a discovery system is to provide a unified retrieval of descriptive
bibliographic records from different sources of physical collections - print documents and physical media
- and electronic collections - digital documents in the online format. Briefly, through a bibliographic survey
in Information Science, it addresses the evolution of information search and retrieval methods: public access
catalogs, metasearch systems and discovery services. It compares them and illustrates the advantages of
incorporating subject indexing, controlled vocabularies, knowledge graphs, and concept maps in
information retrieval tools. We conclude that using documentary languages in the EBSCO discovery service
provides a greater capacity for information retrieval for end users, as well as new possibilities for obtaining
documents and information in different knowledge domains.
Keywords: Information retrieval; Access to information; Indexing; Discovery services; Search engines.
Este trabalho fornece uma visão geral da aplicação de linguagens documentárias no serviço de descoberta
de informação EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), criado e mantido pela empresa EBSCO (Estados Unidos).
O foco desse estudo é exclusivamente avaliar o sistema de descoberta EDS e como ele adota linguagens
documentárias. O objetivo de um sistema de descoberta é proporcionar a recuperação unificada de registros
bibliográficos descritivos de diferentes fontes de coleções físicas (documentos impressos e em mídia física)
e coleções eletrônicas (documentos digitais em formato on-line). Aborda, através de levantamento
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
bibliográfico da área da Ciência da Informação, a evolução dos métodos de busca e recuperação da
informação catálogo de acesso público, sistemas de metabusca e serviço de descoberta, realizando uma
comparação entre os mesmos e indicando as vantagens da incorporação de índices de assunto, grafo de
conhecimento, mapas de conceitos, vocabulários controlados e tesauros nas ferramentas de recuperação da
informação. Este artigo conclui que a adoção de linguagens documentárias no serviço de descoberta da
EBSCO proporciona maior capacidade para busca e recuperação de informações para os usuários finais,
assim como proporciona novas possibilidades de obtenção de documentos e informações em diferentes
domínios de conhecimento.
Palavras-chave: Recuperação de informação; Acesso a informação; Indexação; Serviços de descoberta;
Mecanismos de busca.
1 Introduction
The idea of “information retrieval” is in the genesis of Information Science itself.
Retrieving information means providing a person searching for information with the capacity to
find it after it is organized, regardless of its nature or medium, in order to transform and to have
the ability to transform society. The information retrieval process relies on techniques and tools
for both physical and electronic information retrieval. Regardless of whether the search tool is
physical or digital, its purpose is to enable users to search and retrieve the primary information
that is described, using patterns of descriptive and thematic representation, relying heavily on
documentary languages. Such documentary languages can be considered as standardized
languages, constructed with specific terms from an area of expertise, functioning as terminological
instruments that allow understanding that knowledge field and its development. In this sense, there
can be a variety of documentary languages, from controlled lists of terms and descriptors called
"controlled vocabularies", to thesauri with stipulated logical-semantic relationships, ontologies,
concept maps, among many others. The Documentary Language / Terminology intersection occurs
at a time when "technical-scientific terms are used as descriptors, units that support the so-called
Documentary Language that provides information retrieval systems" (Krieger & Finatto, 2004, p.
59). Therefore, the triad connection between Documentary Language, Terminology and
Information Retrieval, proposed in this paper to improve information search and retrieval, becomes
Henning Spang-Hanssen (1970, p. 6) reinforces the importance of “information”,
“information retrieval” and “documentation workfor the image of library, and librarians’ work.
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Users can retrieve information by accessing it directly or through its representation (metadata) in
traditional catalogs or in systems based on information and communication technologies. In this
sense, Gernot Wersig (1993, p. 230) points out that:
libraries and retrieval systems only are different solutions to a basically identical
problem which is not questioned any more. Consequently, new technologies
arising in the same field could easily be adapted to similar solutions and promise
an expanded field of information science based on that same assumption-expert
systems, multimedia systems.
Therefore, from this point of view, new technologies are expected to be continuously
developed and applied to information retrieval, with the goal of broadening the reach of libraries
and Information Science itself.
In the field of information, terminology and documentary languages provide users with the
capacity to obtain a uniform representation of terms and concepts and to improve information
retrieval, because they use verbal patterns that allow referring terms (subjects) from preferred to
non-preferred and vice versa, in the same unified list, streamlining and rationalizing the entire
process to optimize information retrieval, in that case, in different databases. Retrieving
information is much more than retrieving “text”. Buckland (1991) claims that
Traditionally information storage and retrieval systems have emphasized text and
text-like records such as numbers and lists of names. The present interest in
image-handling serves to remind us that not all phenomena of interest in
information science are textual or text-like, or are even communications. We are
reminded, in particular, that information storage and retrieval needs to be
considered in relation to any phenomena that someone may wish to observe:
events, processes, images, and objects as well as texts. (Buckland, 1991, p. 586).
Therefore, Information Science and the tools created for information search and retrieval
also need to consider representations in the form of images, beyond text, as pointed out by
Buckland (1991). In this article, the topic of textual and visual tools, like concept maps, for
example, is addressed and how it can be used by libraries to support information search and
retrieval in catalogs and other tools based on information technology.
With the goal of enabling an integrated search of these different sources of information,
currently, libraries can use integrated search tools called “discovery services”. According to
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Os serviços de descoberta são sistemas de busca, com a função de integrar
conteúdos informacionais de variadas fontes de dados, sejam elas remotas, como
aquelas disponíveis em plataformas de editores ou agregadores, ou fontes locais
como os sistemas de gerenciamento de bibliotecas, bibliotecas digitais,
repositórios institucionais, dentre outras (Santana, 2014, p. 2) [Discovery services
are search systems with the purpose of integrating informational content from a
variety of data sources, whether they are remote, such as those available on editor
or aggregator platforms, or local sources such as library management systems,
digital libraries, institutional repositories, among others].
One important feature that characterizes a discovery system is its capacity to create a
central index of metadata for unified search and retrieval:
These [discovery] services harvest content from local and remotely hosted
repositories and create a vastly comprehensive centralized index to the article
level based on a normalized schema across content types, well suited for rapid
search and retrieval of results ranked by relevancy. Content is enabled through
the harvesting of local library resources, combined with brokered agreements
with publishers and aggregators allowing access to their metadata and/or full-text
content for indexing purposes (Vaughan, 2011, p. 6).
Therefore, according to Vaughan (2011), discovery systems increase the capacity to search
and retrieve sources of information, since they include records from local and remote sources,
enabling the user to “discover” more sources of information in a single search.
The goal of the present paper is to determine how the use of documentary languages
(considered as remissive terminological standards) can expand and improve information retrieval
through discovery systems, specifically in the case of the EBSCO Discovery Service by EBSCO,
including three methods for searching and retrieving information records: an online catalog, a
metasearch tool and a discovery service. Next, specific characteristics and features of the EBSCO
Discovery Service (EDS), the focus of this paper, are presented. Finally is presented an analysis
of how documentary languages are applied by the EBSCO Discovery Service.
The methodology used in the present paper was a bibliographic literature review in the area
of Library and Information Science with respect to information retrieval, discovery services and
documentary languages, including publications by the EBSCO service company regarding the
EBSCO Discovery Service. This methodology is descriptive and exploratory with an exclusive
analysis of how EBSCO Discovery Service implements documentary languages.
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
2 Tools for information search and retrieval
Online catalogs were one of the first systems based on information technology, created to
optimize the information search and retrieval process for libraries using technology. It was an
evolution from catalogs based on card catalogs arranged in alphabetical order in drawers of
physical cabinets. Morgan (1999) points out that
In many ways the card catalog was also an innovation. First of all, since it was
located in a public space, the catalog became a tool available to anybody, not just
librarians. Second, by organizing its contents by subjects as well as organizing
the collection by subject, the catalog, in many ways, mirrored the contents of
library shelves (Morgan, 1999, p. 38).
When online catalogs based on computer systems emerged, there was one more innovation,
which began to allow remote consultation of the catalog, outside of the library’s space: “Electronic
card catalogs removed some of the problems of physical card catalogs [...]. It was now possible to
search a library's collection from a distance beyond the walls of the library” (Morgan, 1999, p. 38).
These new online catalogs began to promote a greater capacity to search and retrieve, without
having to know the subjects beforehand: “Keyword and freetext searching functions reduced the
need to know (or discover) controlled vocabulary terms used to describe a catalog's content”
(Morgan, 1999, p. 38).
After the advent of online catalogs, created to substitute printed card catalogs as cited by
Morgan (1999), and with the emergence of editor databases, first a technology was developed that
simultaneously carried out distributed and real-time searches directly in these databases. This
technology was called a “federated search” or “metasearch”, and its purpose was to retrieve
bibliographic records by sending multiple consultations to remote information resources
simultaneously. However, these “metasearch” systems have some limitations due to their
“distributed” architecture, as pointed out in 2005 by Marshall Breeding:
The "distributed search" architecture behind the current generation of metasearch
products involves real-time queries cast to multiple remote resources. This model
depends on live connections to multiple remote resources that use some type of
search and retrieve protocol. The metasearch application receives the results from
each remote resource, parses and processes the records returned, and displays the
results to the searcher. This real-time distributed search model suffers from a
number of inherent limitations. For one thing, the number of live connections that
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
can be sustained simultaneously is limited. Also, the slowest-performing remote
service defines the best performance of the overall search transaction (Breeding,
2005, p. 28).
According to the points highlighted by Marshall Breeding (2005), metasearch systems have
limitations that led him to believe that a new approach was needed in order to provide an integrated
search in different bases and catalogs: “Simpler, faster search and retrieve protocols will help
increase the efficiency of the current metasearch products, but I'm convinced that an entirely new
approach is needed” (Breeding, 2005, p. 28) and this is why he claims that “the emergence of
Google Scholar demonstrates that creating a centralized search service of library-oriented
scholarly resources may be more attainable than previously expected” (Breeding, 2005, p. 29),
since such systems rely on search systems based on central indexes created from a prior collection
of metadata: “Google's general Web search service indexes more than 8 billion items, sustains
thousands of requests per second, and still delivers almost-instant responses” (Breeding, 2005, p.
28). Breeding concludes that in order to search in a large number of sources, indexes built in
advance must be used:
Searching on the scale of the Web could not possibly function in a distributed
search model. Could you imagine a search service that depended on a dynamic
query sent to all known Web servers? It just wouldn't work. Searching a large
number of targets demands pre-built indexes (Breeding, 2005, p. 28).
Marshall Breeding then highlights the advantages of centralized search indexes, such as
those used by Google Scholar, in comparison with metasearch tools, which execute multiple,
simultaneous and “real-time” searches in different databases:
It now seems clear to me that the current strategy of metasearch that depends on
live connections casting queries to multiple remote information sources cannot
stand up to search systems based on centralized indexes that were created in
advance based on harvested content. I think of these competing approaches as
"distributed search" and "centralized search," respectively (Breeding, 2005, p.
Metasearch tools were developed and used by libraries for a period in the 2000s, but due
to their limitations, in 2009, “library discovery services” were created, which allowed for the
unified retrieval of bibliographic records from a previously indexed central index of metadata.
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Considering that discovery services rely on a central index of metadata, different sources
of information can be indexed, such as library catalogs, open access bases, commercial bases and
digital libraries of documents created in the institution itself. In sum, any resource can be described
in the form of metadata.
With discovery tools, users continue to use the method of entering keywords into a single
search box, but now retrieval is done by multiple sources that were previously indexed in a central
index. Figure 1 presents a logical comparison of how the three aforementioned technologies
Figure 1 - A logical comparative schematic between the online catalog, metasearch tool and discovery
system to search and retrieve records from informational resources in libraries
Source: Created by the authors (2024)
Upon comparing the three search and retrieval technologies, one can see that in the online
catalog, users retrieve records only described by the librarian; in the metasearch, they retrieve them
from sources described by the librarian and from other sources, but in parallel and in “real time”;
and in discovery, they retrieve them from all sources in a unified manner from a previously indexed
central index. In the comparative analysis, one can see that discovery has a greater capacity of
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
sources and records to be indexed, since it does not depend on live connections, thus greatly
broadening the capacity for search and retrieval.
When he elaborates on the first concepts of this new technology called “discovery”,
Marshall Breeding (2010) claims that
Initially, these new tools were called next-generation library catalogs, but now I
prefer to call them discovery interfaces. They aim to provide access to all aspects
of library collections, not just those managed in the traditional library catalog,
which is limited to the content managed by the integrated library system. It's all
about helping users discover library content in all formats, regardless of whether
it resides within the physical library or among its collections of electronic content,
spanning both locally owned materials and those accessed remotely through
subscriptions (Breeding, 2010, p. 1).
Novaes (2011) mentions the importance of information search tools, which combine the
sciences of documentary linguistics and computer science for information retrieval:
Na atualidade, grande parte das diferentes formas de organização de bancos de
dados na informática visa a armazenar material muitos deles, linguísticos e
disponibilizá-lo ao usuário/autor, a fim de que tenha uma gama de recursos para
suas produções na constituição do seu discurso (Novaes, 2011, p. 97-98)
[Currently, a large part of the different ways to organize databases in computer
science aims to store materials many of them, linguistic and make them
available to the user / author, in order for them to have a range of resources for
their productions in the developing their discourse].
Denise Novaes (2011) also states how language has the capacity to improve search systems:
“Acreditamos, a partir de uma compreensão mais competente da estrutura e do funcionamento da
linguagem, e do conhecimento de suas possibilidades, que seja possível um melhor ajuste de
instrumentos de busca e de editoração (Novaes, 2011, p. 98) [We believe, based on a more
competent understanding of the structure and function of language, and on the knowledge of its
possibilities, that a better adjustment of search and editing instruments is possible].
In the next section, the characteristics and features of the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)
tool are described and, also, it is described how EDS uses different documentary languages with
the goal of improving the search for information, and how the results of information retrieval are
presented to end users in its user interface.
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
3 EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) system
The EBSCO Discovery Service (or “EDS”) is developed and maintained by EBSCO
Information Services (https://www.ebsco.com), provided in the SaaS (“Software as a Service”)
model for online access through a web browser, mobile application and API. As stated by the
company, the EBSCO Discovery Service “supports integrated searching of content from full-text
databases, citation databases, and local content collections such as library catalogs and other
locally managed digital collections” (EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - Information Sheet, 2020)
Moreover, according to EBSCO, its discovery service uses an index that pre-indexes the metadata
of heterogeneous sources: “The integrated search experience is achieved by compiling and
indexing metadata from a variety of content sources into a unified pre-indexed search platform”
(EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - Information Sheet, 2020).
Next, it will be presented how the EBSCO Discovery Service indexes bibliographic content
and what are its main features for search and retrieval.
3.1 Indexed content on the EBSCO Discovery Service
According to information from the company, the central index of metadata from the
EBSCO Discovery Service has a collection of around 4 billion bibliographic records, obtained
from different sources and updated dynamically based on metadata sent by different editors and
content providers:
The EDS index represents a comprehensive collection of more than 3.7 billion
records from the world’s top publishers and information providers. EDS features
searchable full text from approximately 11,000 different publishers through the
index, many of which also include full text for searching [...] The agreements
EBSCO has in place publishers and other content providers emphasize
partnerships where rich metadata is provided (e.g., author-supplied abstracts,
author-supplied keywords, author affiliations, etc.) (EBSCO Discovery Service
(EDS) - Information Sheet, 2020).
The index of the EBSCO Discovery Service is fed by records sent periodically and in
advance by information publishers and providers. Moreover, libraries can also include in the index
bibliographic records from their own sources of information, such as “customized catalogs”,
including their online public access catalog (OPAC), their institutional repository, their journal
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
portal or even a collection of digital documents, such as e-books or theses in different record
formats, such as MARC21, MARCXML, UNIMARC, Dublin Core or other formats of compatible
metadata (EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) Custom Catalog Questionnaire, 2022). As for the
delivery method, records can be uploaded to the FTP server from EBSCO or, if supported by the
provider, through the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
(Using OAI-PMH to Create and Maintain Records, 2020).
3.2 Features of the EBSCO Discovery Service
EDS discovery service provides end users with a search interface so that they can enter
terms and retrieve relevant records from the unified index of metadata.
In 2020, EBSCO launched a new version of its discovery service, called the “New EBSCO
Discovery Service™”. With this new version, EBSCO stated that the service fulfills a “user
journey” by providing the actions of accessing, searching, choosing and using to modernize the
features of its discovery tool:
Access. Search. Choose. Use. These are the stages of the library user’s journey.
However, users take similar journeys with Netflix, Amazon, Spotify or Google,
and their experiences with the personalized dashboards, sharing options, and
recommendation capabilities on these platforms have shaped their user interface
expectations. Rather than reinvent the wheel when it comes to upgrading
discovery tools, the new version of EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)
combines the popular features of these commercial websites with the
functionalities necessary for libraries (Learning to Search/Searching to Learn,
As a basic feature of the EBSCO Discovery Service, users enter the terms/words in a search
box, activate the search (by clicking/touching the magnifying glass icon or pressing ENTER on
the keyboard) and then the tool lists the results on the screen, as illustrated in Figure 2. One can
see results obtained from different sources, their descriptive metadata, different options for
limiting or filtering the results, full-text access options and tools:
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Figure 2 Screen with partial list of search results from the EBSCO Discovery Service interface
Source: EBSCO Discovery Service user interface (2024).
Each individual result returned also enables users to access the respective detailed record,
by clicking on the title of the resource or the link “View Details”. Additionally, users can use tools
that allow them to save the record as a favorite (Bookmark), copy the record citation (Cite), add
the record to a project (Add to project), share it in the cloud or by email (Share), or even download
the full text or the metadata of the retrieved result (Download).
Some additional characteristics and features noted by the company about the EBSCO
Discovery Service include: “Relevance ranking [...], Value ranking [...], Enhanced subject
precision [...], Query Term Adjacency [...], Intuitive search [...], Subject-specific profiles [...],
Research Starters [...], Journal Discovery [...], Access to full text [...], ILS Integrations […]
(EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - Information Sheet, 2020).
The application of documentary languages aims to provide terminological consistency,
increase the reach of the search, increase its thematic precision and improve the capacity to retrieve
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
from heterogeneous sources. In the following section it will be highlighted which documentary
languages are applied to the EBSCO Discovery Service to meet these goals.
4 Documentary languages applied to the EBSCO Discovery Service
4.1 Subject descriptor terms
As previously indicated in this paper, documentary languages are part of the representative
scope of instruments applied to information that standardize terms and make their retrieval more
dynamic and optimized. In that regard, and with the aim of providing updated and specialized
information for public users, the basic documentary language that the EBSCO Discovery Service
uses is controlled thematic representation, in the form of subject descriptors which accompany
descriptive records. The EBSCO Discovery Service enables retrieval based on metadata, including
subject terms, whether provided by the author, or included in the records by the editors themselves,
or added by the EBSCO team.
Figure 3 shows an example of a record returned in the discovery tool, containing subject
descriptors informed by the author (Author-Supplied Keywords) and those included by the
EBSCO team (Subject Terms), based on the controlled vocabulary of terms.
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Figure 3 Example of a bibliographic record from a database in the EBSCO Discovery Service with
thematic subject descriptors from the controlled vocabulary added to the record by EBSCO, and
keywords provided by the author
Source: EBSCO Discovery Service user interface (2024).
The use of terminology aims to improve record retrieval in library and information systems.
Cabré (2010) points out that:
En efecto, en el caso de la documentación, la terminología es un elemento clave
para representar el contenido de los documentos y para acceder a ellos. Los
thesaurus y las clasificaciones son básicamente inventarios terminológicos
organizados temáticamente y controlados formalmente (Cabré, 1995, p. 12) [in
the case of documentation, terminology is a key element to representing the
content of documents and accessing them. Thesauri and classifications are
basically terminological inventories organized thematically and controlled
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Therefore, one can argue that retrieval tools operate more efficiently to deliver results to
users when they use terminologies. Wersig and Neveling (1976) state that a thesauri is a
controlled and dynamic documentary language containing semantically and generically terms,
which comprehensively covers a specific domain of knowledge(Wersig & Neveling, 1976, p.
118). Therefore, incorporating terms from a thesauri in discovery systems improves indexing and
search consistency, captures hierarchical and associative relationships, and increases precision and
recall in retrieving relevant records. These benefits contribute to a better search experience and
information discovery on the part of users.
In addition to records cataloged by librarians, discovery systems include metadata records
produced by editors. According to Vaughan (2011):
Publisher agreements can permit these discovery services to index their content
and provide access to citation-level metadata within the central index to all
customers regardless of whether the local library itself has a licensing agreement
with that publisher and has purchased access to this content. [...] In addition, each
of these discovery services includes a huge amount of open-access content
(Vaughan, 2011, p. 10).
By allowing discovery services to index their content and make metadata available at the
citation level, editor contracts expand the reach and visibility of academic knowledge even more,
promoting the wide and effective dissemination of research and scientific discoveries that are part
of their publications.
4.2 Controlled vocabularies, thesauri and knowledge graphs
Controlled vocabularies and thesauri (considered as types of documentary languages)
provide greater precision for information search and retrieval when they are incorporated into
online catalogs, discovery services or the databases that contain them. According to Lima (2010):
Para garantir uma adequada representação e recuperação da informação, em
quaisquer bases de dados, utiliza-se uma linguagem documentária, isto é, um
vocabulário controlado ou um tesauro, para controlar sinonímia, ambiguidades e
as relações entre os descritores utilizados no processo de indexação, seja ele
manual ou automático (Lima, 2010, p. 3) [In order to guarantee adequate
representation and retrieval of information, in any database, a documentary
language is used, that is, a controlled vocabulary or a thesauri, in order to control
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
synonymy, ambiguities and the relations between descriptors used in the indexing
process, whether manual or automatic].
By adopting controlled vocabularies and thesauri, information search and retrieval systems
aim to improve the precision and relevance of results and provide greater thematic consistency of
resources. EBSCO reports that it uses thesauri and controlled vocabularies to search and retrieve
information in its databases indexed in the central index of the EBSCO Discovery Service, in
which two or more vocabulary subject headings from the Comprehensive Subject Index are added
by EBSCO to each article:
In order to enable the most powerful searching of these databases, EBSCO has
created a thesaurus of terms known as the Comprehensive Subject Index (CSI).
Each article indexed by EBSCO is associated with two or more subject headings
from this vocabulary which describe the specific content of that article. The use
of a controlled list of subject headings allows every article on a given subject to
be indexed with the same terms, regardless of the synonyms or circumlocutions
used in the article itself. Use of the CSI also ensures that subjects are indexed at
an appropriate level of detail (What is EBSCO's Controlled Vocabulary?, 2018).
Additionally, EBSCO states that it performs terminology mapping between subject
indexes, in order to improve search and retrieval: Subject indexes contain controlled vocabularies,
which link concepts with different terminology. EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) includes
complex mapping technology to leverage and connect these for improved search results” (Quality
Data & Precision Search, 2023). The subject thesauri and vocabularies used by EBSCO to enrich
the records from their central index include: the American Medical Association Complete Medical
Encyclopedia, APA PsycInfo Thesauri, Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management Library
Subject Terms, ERIC Thesauri, FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts Thesauri,
GLBT Thesauri, Library, Information Science & Technology Thesauri, MEDLINE Medical
Subject Headings MeSH, MLA International Bibliography Terms Thesauri, Petroleum
Abstracts Thesauri, Political Science Thesauri, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Subjects, Sports Thesauri, among dozens of others (Which EBSCOhost database authorities,
Another tool used by EBSCO is “Enhanced Subject Precision”, which performs
terminology equivalence mapping between different vocabularies and thesauri”:
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Enhanced Subject Precision utilizes mapped vocabulary terms from multiple
sources and uses natural language to add precision for topical searches. When a
user’s search term matches a known concept, records about the concept receive
an additional relevance boost. Multilingual search queries are also mapped to
increase opportunities for concept matching (How is relevance ranking
determined, 2020).
According to Lima (2010), using terminology in an information system provides
knowledge transfer between whomever registers the information and whomever consumes the
registered information:
Ao utilizar a terminologia de um domínio, na construção de uma linguagem
documentária em um sistema de informação, possibilita-se a transferência do
conhecimento, pois as informações documentárias produzidas com um
referencial terminológico garantem o consenso entre os interlocutores de uma
área (Lima, 2010, p. 22) [When using the terminology of a domain to build a
documentary language in an information system, knowledge transfer is possible,
since documentary information produced with a terminological reference
guarantees consensus between the interlocutors of an area].
A terminological description can be in one knowledge domain or interdisciplinary.
However, concepts in practical life are related to one another even between different domains and
areas of knowledge. As such, one must start thinking not only about descriptor terms for isolated
subjects within an area of knowledge, but about how to represent relationships that exist between
concepts, including between different knowledge domains, taking advantage of the full potential
of linked data and semantic relationships. The next section will discuss how knowledge graphs
and linked data can improve user experience in information search and retrieval in libraries.
4.3 Knowledge graphs
While before, concepts resided within only one area of knowledge, now, sciences are
increasingly interdisciplinary and pluridisciplinary. Wersig predicted in 1993 that Information
Science would have to invent some way to enable navigation between related concepts:
Since everything is connected with everything somehow information science
would have to develop some kind of conceptual navigation system (which
perhaps develops into the postmodern form of theory). This is the difference
between the information scientist and the weaving bird: The latter already has its
plans provided by evolution. In our case the next step of evolution in science
waits to be done, by whomever (Wersig, 1993, p. 239).
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
The first researchers to introduce the idea of structuring knowledge in the form of a
semantic relations graph were Stokman and Vries in 1988. The base of knowledge graphs starts
with descriptions between concepts within the same discipline and between different disciplines.
We will refer to conceptual knowledge as a declarative representation.
Furthermore, the core of conceptual knowledge consists of explicitly defined
types of relations between concepts. Various types can be distinguished, e.g., they
can express definitional as well as empirical relations between concepts (Stokman
& Vries, 1988, p. 188).
Knowledge graphs emerged as an option to interlink concepts, joining different domains
by linking terms and concepts, using semantic relations and enabling search beyond the text, as
Buckland (1991) had predicted.
Regarding knowledge graphs, authors Zamini, Reza and Rabiei (2022) describe it as a
documentary language tool that represents interlinked entities, relations and semantic descriptions
of entities:
A knowledge graph (KG), also known as a knowledge base, is a structured
representation of facts that describes a collection of interlinked descriptions of
entities, relationships, and semantic descriptions of entities. KGs, as a compelling
abstraction, help organize structured knowledge by linking them from multiple
sources. The difference between the knowledge base and knowledge graphs is the
assumption of being less rigidly defined, structured, homogeneous, and stable
schema breaks which empower knowledge graphs to be more scalable. The
advantage of KG is the better representation of heterogeneous objects using a
unified space to connect them (Zamini et al, 2022, p. 1).
Knowledge graphs are based on ontologies (specification) and concepts (an abstract idea).
According to Gruber (1993), the term “ontology” in the context of knowledge sharing is related to
the descriptions themselves of concepts, their representation and relations:
An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization. The term is
borrowed from philosophy, where an ontology is a systematic account of
Existence. For knowledge-based systems, what "exists" is exactly that which can
be represented. When the knowledge of a domain is represented in a declarative
formalism, the set of objects that can be represented is called the universe of
discourse. This set of objects, and the formalized relationships among them, are
reflected in the representational vocabulary with which a knowledge-based
program represents knowledge. Thus, we can describe the ontology of a program
by defining a set of representational terms. In such an ontology, definitions
associate the names of entities in the universe of discourse (e.g. classes, relations,
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
functions, or other objects) with human-readable text describing what the names
are meant to denote, and formal axioms that constrain the interpretation and well-
formed use of these terms (Gruber, 1993, p. 199).
The main idea behind the Knowledge Graph is to use semantic relationships of ontologies.
One of the standard ways to specify relationship statements is with the Resource Description
Framework (RDF). According to the Guia de Web Semântica (“Guide to the Semantic Web”), by
Carlos Laufer (2015):
O formato das afirmações é simples. Uma afirmação RDF consiste de três
elementos (uma tripla) e tem a seguinte estrutura: <sujeito> <predicado>
<objeto>. Uma afirmação RDF expressa uma relação entre dois recursos. O
sujeito e o objeto representam os dois recursos sendo relacionados; o predicado
representa a natureza desta relação, que é formulada de modo direcional (do
sujeito para o objeto) e é chamada em RDF de propriedade. Um objeto pode
também ser um literal, definindo uma propriedade para um recurso (Laufer, 2015)
[The statement format is simple. An RDF statement consists of three elements (a
triple) and has the following structure: <subject> <predicate> <object>. An RDF
statement expresses a relation between two resources. The subject and object
represent two resources being related; the predicate represents the nature of this
relation, which is formulated in a directional way (from subject to object) and is
called a property in RDF. An object can also be a literal, defining a property for
a resource].
Combining terms from multiple vocabularies and thesauri, the discovery service from
EBSCO created and maintains its Knowledge Graph (EDS Knowledge Graph) for subject searches
based on synonyms, controlled vocabularies, natural language and mapping relations, through
A discovery service with a sophisticated Knowledge Graph (a digital database
network that tags connections between concepts, subjects, and topics) can
understand ideas independently of the words used to express them. This means
that the patron doesn’t have to know the “right” word for their search. Instead,
the discovery service figures that out for them (Faith, 2021).
Using a knowledge graph helps its research on interlinking concepts in vocabularies,
thesauri, natural language terms and synonyms to create a concept map in multiple languages.
According to EBSCO:
EDS is more than a discovery tool. It is also a learning environment in which
users are guided toward improving their search terms and finding items they may
have overlooked otherwise. […] The key to this learning environment is the EDS
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Knowledge Graph. Built with the help of a small army of subject matter experts
drawing on numerous subject indexes, the Knowledge Graph ensures an excellent
search that can turn even inadequate queries into quality results. Therefore, users
don’t need to start off as expert researchers to get expert information. The
Knowledge Graph does this by mapping new datasets that incorporate natural
language, extensive subject vocabularies, and a vast array of synonyms and
concepts in more than 280 languages and dialects. Not only does this enhance
search and relevance rankings for EBSCOhost and EDS, but the multi-lingual
capability allows people from around the world to enter search terms in their
native tongue (The Evolution of the EBSCO Discovery Service, 2020).
The Knowledge Graph developed by EBSCO aims to improve the capacity to search using
documentary languages as a visual tool that enables greater precision and an additional search
capacity, by connecting terms from different knowledge domains.
4.4 Concept Map
In order to search in the knowledge graph, EBSCO developed a tool called a Concept Map,
which can be consulted by end users in the discovery system interface. The concept map
implements primarily “Concept Map Theory” developed by researchers Joseph Novak and Alberto
Cañas (1984), who define concept maps by relating terms through semantic relations between two
concepts, creating an interconnected image:
Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge.
They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and
relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two
concepts. Words on the line, referred to as linking words or linking phrases,
specify the relationship between the two concepts. We define concept as a
perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects,
designated by a label. The label for most concepts is a word, although sometimes
we use symbols such as + or %, and sometimes more than one word is used.
Propositions are statements about some object or event in the universe, either
naturally occurring or constructed. Propositions contain two or more concepts
connected using linking words or phrases to form a meaningful statement.
Sometimes these are called semantic units, or units of meaning. Figure 4 shows
an example of a concept map that describes the structure of concept maps and
illustrates the above characteristics (Novak & Cañas, 1984, p. 1).
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Figure 4 A concept map showing the key features of concept maps.
Concept maps tend to be read top-down
Source: Novak & Cañas (1984)
Gercina Lima (2004) also describes concept maps as a tool that organizes knowledge aimed
at representing the way in which subjects are mentally structured by humans:
Uma ferramenta de organização do conhecimento, capaz de representar ideias ou
conceitos na forma de um diagrama hierárquico escrito ou gráfico, capaz de
indicar as relações entre os conceitos, procurando refletir a organização da
estrutura cognitiva sobre um determinado assunto (Lima, 2004, p. 135) [A
concept map is] a tool for organizing knowledge, capable of representing ideas
or concepts in the form of a written or graphic hierarchical diagram, capable of
indicating the relations between the concepts, with the purpose of reflecting the
organization of the cognitive structure on a determined subject].
According to Lima (2004), concept maps as a tool for documentary language can
collaborate towards obtaining information, transforming it into knowledge and supporting
information retrieval systems by providing visual and interactive interfaces that are easy to use:
Uma das principais funções da mente é interpretar o significado das informações
adquiridas e transformá-las em conhecimento, o que se torna mais fácil quando
são apresentadas em formato gráfico. O mapa conceitual pode ser um suporte
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
apropriado para a arquitetura de sistemas de hipertexto por possibilitar uma
interface atrativa, interativa e fácil de ser utilizada, facilitando a navegação em
redes semânticas (Lima, 2004, p. 137) [One of the main functions of the mind is
to interpret the meaning of information acquired and transform it into knowledge,
which is made easier when it is represented in an image format. Concept maps
can be an appropriate support for the hypertext system architecture, since they
provide an attractive, interactive and user-friendly interface, facilitating
navigation in semantic networks].
Therefore, as a visual documentary language tool, concept maps broaden thematic relations
that need to be built mentally when they are acquired by the user based on purely textual
documentary languages. Lima (2004) reinforces this view, when she argues that
O mapa conceitual, com sua característica gráfica, é um instrumento poderoso
para permitir a compreensão das relações entre os conceitos e do conhecimento
no todo. Para o cientista da informação, que lida com a análise de assunto para a
estruturação de uma certa área do conhecimento, o mapa conceitual pode tornar-
se um instrumento importante para ajudá-lo a entender e a lidar com estruturas
informacionais (Lima, 2004, p. 137) [Concept maps, graphic in nature, are a
powerful instrument to facilitate understanding relations between concepts and
knowledge overall. For information scientists, who deal with subject analysis in
order to structure a certain area of knowledge, concept maps can become an
important instrument to help them understand and deal with informational
As described by EBSCO (The Evolution of the EBSCO Discovery Service, 2020), the
Knowledge Graph by EBSCO increases the capacity to search based on synonyms and semantic
The Knowledge Graph does more than recognize multiple meanings, however. It
also shows the user connections between subjects via a visualization tool called
the Concept Map. For example, a search for “Italy” provides an image of Italy
with multiple spokes extending from it, each representing an Italy-related
concept, such as “Rome, “Alps,” or “Papal States.” These spokes suggest
additional subjects to the user, and they can relaunch their search with an
improved query. This connect-the-dots approach facilitates better information
literacy, as it helps users hone their searches (The Evolution of the EBSCO
Discovery Service, 2020).
Researcher Ashleigh Faith (2021) reinforces how the use of concept maps associated to the
knowledge graph by EBSCO increases search capacity while also making it equitable:
A discovery service with a sophisticated Knowledge Graph (a digital database
network that tags connections between concepts, subjects, and topics) can
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
understand ideas independently of the words used to express them. This means
that the patron doesn’t have to know the rightword for their search. Instead,
the discovery service figures that out for them (Faith, 2021).
Library users learn in different ways. By seeing and exploring concepts in innovative and
alternative forms, the idea is to allow for more possibilities to make new discoveries and enable a
greater understanding of areas with which they are not yet familiar as researchers (new concepts)
or that are outside of the traditional sphere of specialization (concepts from other domains). The
purpose of using knowledge graphs and subject mapping is to enable a more equitable search. As
researcher Faith (2021) claims:
EBSCO has been investigating the impact that a patron’s search language has on
how they do their research what methods they use, what words they employ
and has evolved EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) into a search tool that
can meet the needs of all its users. Whether a patron is trained in “libraryspeak,”
or whether they are searching in different languages, they can perform a search
that is just as good as any done by an expert researcher. This is called “equitable
search” and it has opened discovery to a more diverse array of information access
points, meaning EDS understands more words in other languages as well as
"everyday" English. EDS achieved this in several stages through its Knowledge
Graph: * Synonyms and controlled subjects were mapped together; * Users'
natural language was mapped to each subject grouping, including more than 200-
plus languages and dialects; * Subjects were then mapped to each other with
explicate relationships, such as “type of” and “symptom of” (Faith, 2021).
The knowledge graph relates concepts and enables data linking, a structured documentary
language tool. To “view” concepts and their relationships, created based on this knowledge graph,
EBSCO provides, through its discovery tool, the “EBSCO Concept Map”, which will be addressed
in the next section.
The EBSCO Concept Map, which is available on the search results screen, is activated by
users on demand, based on the search term or expression that users enter into the search box, after
clicking on “Concept Map”, as indicated in Figure 5:
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Figure 5 EBSCO Discovery Service Interface with search results for the term “mercury” with the option
“Concept Map” option highlighted on the left-hand menu
Source: EBSCO Discovery Service user interface (2024).
After clicking on the “Concept map” option in the left menu, the user is directed to a new
screen (Figure 6), in which they can first choose the knowledge domain desired for the term, based
on a suggested list. The goal of this first step is to provide to user the disambiguation between
homographs. A brief meaning of the term in each domain is presented together with each option.
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Figure 6 Selection of knowledge domain for the term “mercury” in the EBSCO Concept Map
Source: EBSCO Discovery Service user interface (2024).
After the user chooses the desired domain (by clicking on it or touching it), a second screen
is shown with the concept map and the concepts. The concept related to the search term is at the
center and semantically related concepts are around it, within the knowledge domain selected, as
in the example illustrated in Figure 7. The concept map presented of the EBSCO Discovery Service
is a visual representation of the EBSCO Knowledge Graph for the chosen term.
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Figure 7 Screen with the EBSCO Concept Map for the concept “Mercury”, as the planet, in the
knowledge domain “Physics and Astronomy”
Source: EBSCO Discovery Service user interface (2024).
This concept map tool also enables users to see the definition of each concept and add it to
the “Search builder” (see Figure 7), to compose a new search strategy in the discovery tool. As
such, the concept descriptions (see Figure 7) on their own already provide users with the ability to
learn about topics that can open new perspectives, so that they can either focus their research on
some specific aspect or redirect their research or study. Consequently, this documentary language
tool has turned into a source of information in and of itself.
By applying documentary languages in a combined way in the discovery service, the
EBSCO Discovery Service aims to provide greater precision and a more assertive retrieval of the
content desired, as well as the discovery of new related concepts, displayed by the concept map
and created based on the knowledge graph, which would not be visible in traditional lists of search
The integration of specialized documentary languages allows the discovery of new and
interconnected concepts beyond the immediate scope of the research query, beyond the descriptors
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
indicated solely by the producer of the information. Through the concept map, for example,
generated from the underlying knowledge graph, users can discover related ideas and topics that
may not have been apparent in traditional keyword-based searches alone. This holistic approach
broadens the user's understanding and promotes interdisciplinary exploration and discovery of
relevant information, including in an interdisciplinary way, in other domains of knowledge.
In addition to these advantages, the use of documentary languages increases the overall
accuracy of research results in discovery systems, taking into account variations in terminology
and language use. This linguistic flexibility ensures that users receive comprehensive results, even
when expressing their search phrases through different terms.
In general, the incorporation of documentary languages in discovery services enriches the
search experience, providing greater accuracy in retrieval, as well as allowing the discovery of
new concepts and the improvement in the accuracy of results.
Based on the above discussion, one can see how the EBSCO Discovery Service uses
different documentary languages with the goal of improving the experience of information search
and retrieval for end users, through unified retrieval and the use of different documentary
One can conclude, based on this discussion, that using documentary languages in discovery
systems provides greater return on investment (ROI) with respect to the application of
documentary languages: the more structured the documentary languages used are, the greater the
consistency in terminology and, consequently, the greater the value for end users, as illustrated in
Figure 8, by Ashleigh Faith (2020):
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
Figure 8 Documentary languages applicable to information retrieval tools
Source: Faith (2020).
With respect to information retrieval systems used by libraries, documentary languages,
based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), play a significant role in
organizing and indexing information resources, since they allow us to take advantage of the full
potential of the normalized, structured terminology for a broader and more precise retrieval,
especially useful in libraries that have large material collections and heterogeneous sources.
The technology itself, whether software or hardware, is not capable of providing an
effective information search and retrieval experience on its own, regardless of the tool or software
used: whether an online catalog, metasearch or discovery service. It is the structured work of
professionals on descriptive and thematic representation, based on standards and documentary
languages, which enable greater success so that the library service can achieve its ultimate goal:
to provide users access to information, regardless of the format, nature or source in which the
resource is located.
Automation in libraries and information units certainly makes work more efficient for those
who describe information professional librarians undertaking technical processing and for
those who search and retrieve information - end users who need and wish to access it. The work
MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. Documentary Languages Applied to
Information Retrieval in Libraries: a review of EBSCO Discovery Service System. Brazilian Journal of
Information Science: research trends, vol. 18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024009. DOI: 10.36311/1981-
of information professionals is necessary to demonstrate and provide this information, using
effective tools, systems, methods and languages.
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Copyright: © 2024 MAIMONE , Giovana Deliberali; VIANA, Michelângelo Mazzardo Marques. This is
an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC Attribution-ShareAlike
(CC BY-SA), which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, under the identical terms,
and provided the original author and source are credited.
Received: 03/01/2024 Accepted: 25/02/2024