BRITO, Mihno Dgil Pinto de; BRITO, Raissa Carneiro de. Análise das políticas de preservação digital para
documentos de arquivo das instituições de ensino superior do Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Information Science:
research trends, vol.18, publicação contínua, 2024, e024023. DOI: 10.36311/1981-1640.2024.v18.e024023.
preservação digital para documentos de arquivo, a ser adotada por todos os setores da universidade
(Administrativo, Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão) e serve de modelo para outras IES.
Palavras Chave: Política de preservação de documentos digitais; Preservação Digital; Documentos
arquivísticos digitais.
Organizations of different natures turn to issues related to digital preservation, seeking ways to keep digital
information for current and future generations. In this sense, digital objects, such as texts, images and
audios, need a management process focused on their specificities, and it is important to follow a set of
procedures necessary for the management of these digital documents. In this way, digital information
preservation policies can be an important tool for organizations that want to control and manage their
documents. Higher education institutions (HEIs) produce and store a large volume of information, being
the guardians of scientific knowledge, and are currently predominantly in digital format. They store theses,
dissertations, course completion papers and electronic journals in databases and/or repositories. This article
carried out a preliminary analysis, seeking information regarding the policies of digital preservation of
archival documents of Brazilian HEIs, observing the information regarding the digital preservation of
archival documents on institutional websites, seeking to highlight relevant points for observations of the
collected information. To choose the sample of universities, the 2021 ranking of The World University
Ranking was chosen, which lists the best universities in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the first 10
Brazilian HEIs chosen from this list. Information on the preservation policy of archival digital documents
was collected on the institutional websites of the universities. It was observed, first, the difficulty in locating
preservation policies of the researched HEIs, the absence of standardization, and a very large variety in the
sectors responsible for the development and elaboration of policies on digital preservation. Some
institutions apply it in their library systems, in their institutional repositories focused on academic
productions, others in archival systems and still others apply it more generally, seeking to cover all areas
of the institution where documents circulate and are processed. We highlight Unesp's preservation policy,
which since 2016 has created a group responsible for drawing up a digital preservation policy for archival
documents, to be adopted by all sectors of the university (Administrative, Teaching, Research and
Extension) and serves as a model for other HEIs.
Keywords: Policy for the preservation of digital documents; Digital Preservation; Digital archival
1 Introdução
Diante das mudanças, ocasionadas pelas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC),
a sociedade se vê diante de novas formas de produzir, armazenar, organizar e acessar a informação.
As organizações de diferentes naturezas se voltam para questões relacionadas à preservação
digital, busca meios, por onde, as informações digitais possam ser preservadas para as gerações
atuais e futuras. Neste sentido, os objetos digitais, tais como, textos, imagens, áudios, etc.,
necessitam de um processo de gestão voltado para as suas especificidades, sendo importante seguir