Thematic Dossier: Capital Crisis, Nations and Territories in Conflict - The Struggle for Land, Wars, Genocide, and Migrations


The 12th edition of Revista Fim do Mundo (The End of the World Journal) aims to provide an analytical and, above all, critical perspective on the problems arising from the expansion of capital in its phase of structural crisis. Starting from the idea of pointing to the end of the world, we highlight the ongoing dispute over territories as a substantial element of the expansion of capital and, in turn, of barbarism against different peoples. In addition to the national dimension, we also want to address the issue of territories, whose conception, spaces defined and delimited by power relations, in our approach goes beyond the physical sense.

By contested territory, we mean the problematic from the scope of production, forms of appropriation of land, nature, labor, and also human subjectivity. Thinking from a counter-hegemonic approach, we understand the singularities of societies on the periphery of capital, subjected for centuries to colonial processes, of forced appropriation of both their territory and the lives of their peoples.

Land, among other things, has a peculiarity in the capitalist system by constituting itself as a source of income for its owner, and therefore, a very interesting commodity for capital. Equally as a means of production, it is a mark of struggle and violence, in addition to being a stage for social organization, and therefore, it is also on the agenda to expand the debate on collective production. In this scenario, tensions in the countryside, in the forests and also in the peripheries of the metropolises of capitalism in general become increasingly latent, expressed in wars and conflicts between the destructive hegemonic force of capital and the resistance of indigenous and traditional peoples and their ancestral knowledge, amid the ongoing climate collapse, the accelerated exploitation of different natural resources, and the voracious transformation of nature, reduced to the condition of commodities.

This expansion oriented by international finance capital determines the march of devastation, shattering social organizations, fostering the impoverishment and exploitation of man and nature, advancing on various territories and spaces, on various peoples and bodies, fomenting and maintaining regional wars that put humanity on the brink of nuclear holocaust, in addition to causing the displacement of peoples and mass migrations that feed the global rise of the far-right and fascism.

In this edition, we invite researchers, academics, activists, and artists to contribute with theoretical and empirical texts, reviews, essays, field diaries, and other formats that can contribute to our debate.

*The Revista Fim do Mundo accepts the submission of works in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.

Thematic Dossier Editorial Team: Ana Carolina Aguerri Borges da Silva (UFRPE); Layza da Rocha Soares (CETEM ); Fabio S. M. Castro (IBEC); Daniel Faggiano (Instituto Maíra).

Deadline for submission: 20/10/2024

Publication forecast: December 2024

Guidelines for authors